

92. Eyster, Harold N. and Brian Beckage. 2024. Space-for-time substitutions exaggerate urban bird–habitat ecological relationships. Journal of Animal Ecology.

91. Wiltshire, Serge, Patrick J. Clemins and Brian Beckage. 2024. Granularity of model input data impacts estimates of carbon storage in soils. 2024. Plos Climate.

90. Wiltshire, S., Beckage, B., Callahan, C., Chase, L., Conner, D., Darby, H., Kolodinsky, J., Kraft, J., Neher, D., Poleman, W., Ricketts, T., Tobin, D., von Wettberg, E., & Niles, M. 2024. Regional food system sustainability: Using team science to develop an indicator-based assessment framework. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 14(1), 1–24.

89. Eyster, Harold N. and Brian Beckage. 2024. Applying a deep learning pipeline to classify land cover from low-quality historical RGB imagery. PeerJ Computer Science. DOI 10.7717/peerj-cs.2003

88. Gross, Louis J. and Brian Beckage. Use of computer systems and models. Editor(s): Simon A Levin, Encyclopedia of Biodiversity (Second Edition), Academic Press, 2023, Pages 213–220,ISBN 9780123847201,

87. Holthuijzen, Maike, Dave Higdon, Brian Beckage and Patrick J. Clemins. Novel application of a process convolution approach for calibrating output from numerical models. 2023. Environmetrics.

86. Beckage, B., K. Lacasse, K. T. Raimi, and D. Visioni. 2023. Integrating risk perception with climate models to understand the potential deployment of solar radiation modification to mitigate climate change. Working Paper 23-22. Resources for the Future. Link

85. Christopher J Picard, Jonathan M Winter, Charlotte F Cockburn, Janel Hanrahan, Patrick J Clemins and Brian Beckage. 2023. Twenty-first century increases in total and extreme precipitation across the Northeastern United States. Climatic Change: 176(6), 72. Link to pdf

84. Wiltshire, Serge, Sarah Grobe, and Brian Beckage. 2023. A Historically Driven Spinup Procedure for Soil Carbon Modeling. Soil Systems. Soil Systems 2023, 7(2), 35.

83. Eyster, Harold N, Brian Beckage. Arboreal urban cooling is driven by leaf area index, leaf boundary layer resistance, and dry leaf mass per leaf area: evidence from a system dynamics model. Atmosphere.
Link to pdf.

82. Wiltshire, Serge and Brian Beckage. 2023. Integrating climate change into projections of soil carbon sequestration from regenerative agriculture. Plos Climate.

81. Beckage, B., Moore, F. C., and K. Lacasse. Incorporating human behavior into Earth system modeling. 2022. Nature Human Behavior.DOI 10.1038/s41562-022-01478-5 Link to paper; Link to pdf.

80. Molofsky, Jane, Daniel Park, David M. Richardson, Stephen R. Keller, Brian Beckage, Jennifer Mandel, James Boatwright and Cang Hui. Optimal differentiation to the edge of trait space (EoTS). Evolutionary Ecology. 2022. Link to paper

79. Tsai, Yushiou, Hope M. Zabronsky, Asim Zia and Brian Beckage. Efficacy of riparian buffers in phosphorus removal: a meta-analysis. Frontiers in Water. 2022. Link to paper

78. Shin, Yoon Ah, Katherine Lacasse, Louis Gross, Brian Beckage. How coupled is coupled human-natural systems research? 2022. Ecology and Society. Link to paper

77. Eyster, Harold N, Brian Beckage. Conifers May Ameliorate Urban Heat Waves Better Than Broadleaf Trees: Evidence from Vancouver, Canada. Atmosphere. 2022; 13(5):830.

76. Holthuijzen, Maike, Brian Beckage, Patrick J. Clemins, Dave Higdon and Jonathan M. Winter. Robust bias-correction of precipitation extremes using a novel hybrid empirical quantile mapping method: advantages of a linear correction for extremes. 2022. Theoretical and Applied Climatology.

75. Asim Zia, Andrew W. Schroth, Jory S. Hecht, Peter Isles, Patrick J. Clemins, Scott Turnbull, Patrick Bitterman, Yushio Tsai, Ibrahim N. Mohammed, Gabriela Bucini, Elizbeth M.B. Doran, Christopher Koliba, Arne Bomblies, Brian Beckage, Jonathan Winter, Elizabeth C. Adair, Donna M. Rizzo, William Gibson, and George Pinder. 2022. Climate change-legacy phosphorus synergy hinders lake response to aggressive water policy targets. Earth's Future.

74. Wiltshire, S. and B. Beckage. Estimating potential carbon sequestration through regenerative agriculture and afforestation in the U.S. state of Vermont. 2022. PLOS Climate.

73. Moore, F. C., K. Lacasse, K. J. Mach, Y. A. Shin, L. J. Gross, and B. Beckage. Determinants of Emissions Pathways in the Coupled Climate-Social System. 2022. Nature.
Link to Paper
Media Coverage: Washington Post

72. Pereira, L. M., D. R. Morrow, V. Aquila, B. Beckage, S. Beckbesinger, L. Beukes, H. J. Buck, C. J. Carlson, O. Geden, A. P. Jones, D. P. Keller, K. J. Mach, M. Mashigo, J. B. Moreno-Cruz, D. Visioni, S. Nicholson, and C. H. Trisos. 2021. From fAIrplay to climate wars: making climate change scenarios more dynamic, creative, and integrative. Ecology and Society 26(4):30.

71. Hanrahan, J., J. Langlois, L. Cornell, H. Huang, J. Winter, P. Clemins, B. Beckage, and C. Bruyère. 2021. Examining the impacts of Great Lakes’ temperature perturbations on simulated precipitation in the northeastern United States. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology: 60(7): 935-949.

70. Jebari, Joseph, Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò, Talbot M. Andrews, Valentina Aquila, Brian Beckage, Mariia Belaia, Maggie Clifford, Jay Fuhrman, David P. Keller, Katharine J. Mach, David R. Morrow, Kaitlin T. Raimi, Daniele Visioni, Simon Nicholson, Christopher H. Trisos. 2021. From moral hazard to risk-response feedback. Climate Risk Management, Volume 33:

69. Beckage, B., T. Buckley, and M. Beckage. 2021. Prevalence of mask wearing in northern Vermont in response to SARS-CoV-2. Public Health Reports:

68. Hui, C., Richardson, D.M., Landi, P. Henintsoa O. Minoarivelo, H. E. Roy, G. Latombe, X. Jing, P. J. CaraDonna, D. Gravel, B. Beckage & J. Molofsky. 2021. Trait positions for elevated invasiveness in adaptive ecological networks. Biological Invasions.
(Link to paper; Link to PDF)

67. Holthuijzen, M., B. Beckage, P.J. Clemins, D. Higdon, and J. M. Winter. 2021. Constructing high-resolution, bias-corrected climate products: a comparison of methods. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology:

66. Beckage, B., K. Lacasse, J. M. Winter, L. J. Gross, N. Fefferman, F. M. Hoffman, S. S. Metcalf, T. Franck, E. Carr, A. Zia, and A. Kinzig. 2020. The Earth has humans, so why don’t our climate models? Climatic Change: (Link to paper; Link to PDF)

65. Braun, B., B. Taraktas, B. Beckage, J. Molofsky. 2020. Simulating phase transitions and control measures for network epidemics caused by infections with presymptomatic, asymptomatic, and symptomatic stages. PLOS One. (Link to paper; Preprint)

64. Pugh, T. A. M., Rademacher, T., Shafer, S. L., Steinkamp, J., Barichivich, J., Beckage, B., Haverd, V., Harper, A., Heinke, J., Nishina, K., Rammig, A., Sato, H., Arneth, A., Hantson, S., Hickler, T., Kautz, M., Quesada, B., Smith, B., and Thonicke, K. Understanding the uncertainty in global forest carbon turnover. 2020. Biogeosciences: 17, 3961–3989, (Link to paper)

63. Verrico, B.M., Weiland, J., Perkins, T.D., Beckage, B. and Keller, S.R. 2020. Long‐term monitoring reveals forest tree community change driven by atmospheric sulphate pollution and contemporary climate change. Diversity and Distributions, 26(3), pp.270-283. (Link to paper)

62. Huang, H., Winter, J.M., Osterberg, E.C., Hanrahan, J., Bruyère, C.L., Clemins, P. and Beckage, B., 2020. Simulating precipitation and temperature in the Lake Champlain basin using a regional climate model: limitations and uncertainties. Climate Dynamics, 54(1-2), pp.69-84. ( Link; Link to paper)

61. Clemins, P., G. Bucini, Huanping, H., J. M. Winter, B. Beckage, E. Towler, A. Betts, R. Cummings, and H. C. Querioz. 2019. An analog approach for weather estimation using climate projections and reanalysis data. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology: DOI 10.1175/JAMC-D-18-0255.1 (Link to paper)

60. Fowler, N.L. and B. Beckage. 2019. Savannas of North America. Peer reviewed chapter in Herbivores and savanna plant communities, edited by P. Scogings. Wiley. (Link to paper).

59. Beckage, B., G. Bucini, L.J. Gross, W.J. Platt, S.I. Higgins, N.L. Fowler, M.G. Slocum, and C. Farrior. 2019. Water limitations, fire, and savanna persistence: A conceptual model. Peer reviewed chapter in Herbivores and savanna plant communities, edited by P. Scogings. Wiley.(Link to paper).

58. Divíšek, Jan, Milan Chytrý, Brian Beckage, Nicholas J. Gotelli, Zdeňka Lososová. Petr Pyšek, David M. Richardson, and Jane Molofsky. 2018. Similarity of introduced plant species to native ones facilitates naturalization, but differences enhance invasion success. Nature Communications 9: 4631. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-06995-4. pdf

57. Beckage, Brian. Louis J. Gross, Katherine Lacasse, Eric Carr, Sara S. Metcalf, Jonathan M. Winter, Peter D. Howe, Nina Fefferman, Travis Franck, Asim Zia, Ann Kinzig, and Forrest Hoffman. 2018. Linking models of human behavior and climate alters projected climate change. Nature Climate Change. Link to paper; pdf

56. Bucini, G., B. Beckage, and L. J. Gross. 2017. Climate seasonality, fire and global patterns of tree cover. Frontiers in Biogeography 9(2): DOI 10.21425/F59233610. (Link to paper)

55. Collins, A. R., B. Beckage, J. Molofsky. 2017. Small scale genotypic richness stabilizes plot biomass and increases phenotypic variance in the invasive grass Phalaris arundinacea . Journal of Plant Ecology. DOI 10.1093/jpe/rtx056. (Link to paper)

54. Huanping, H., J. M. Winter, E. C. Osterberg, R. M. Horton, B. Beckage. 2017. Total and extreme precipitation changes over the Northeastern United States. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 18(6): 1783-1798. DOI: 10.1175/JHM-D-16-0195.1. (Link to paper)

53. Bucini, G., B. Beckage, and L. J. Gross. 2017. Climate seasonality, fire and global patterns of tree cover. Frontiers of Biogeography, 9(2). http:://

52. Zia, A., A. Bomblies, A. W. Schroth, C. Koliba, P. D. F. Isles, Y. Tsai, I. N. Mohammed, G. Bucini, P. J. Clemins, S. Turnbull, M. Rodgers, A. Hamed, B. Beckage, J. Winter, C. Adair, G. L. Galford, D. Rizzo and J. Van Houten. 2016. Coupled impacts of climate and land use change across a river–lake continuum: insights from an integrated assessment model of Lake Champlain's Missisquoi Basin, 2000–2040. Environmental Research Letters: 11(11): http::// (Link to paper)

51. Platt, W. J., D. P. Ellair, J. M. Huffman, S. E. Potts, and B. Beckage. 2016. Pyrogenic fuels produced by savanna trees can engineer humid savannas. Ecological Monographs 86(3): 352-372. (Link to paper)

50. Winter, J. M., B. Beckage, G. Bucini, R. M. Horton, and P. J. Clemins. 2016. Development and evaluation of high-resolution climate simulations over the mountainous northeastern United States. Journal of Hydrometeorology 17(3): 881-89 (Link to paper)

49. Tsai, Y., A. Zia, C. Koliba, J. Guilbert, G. Bucini, B. Beckage. 2015. Land Use Policy 49: 161-176. An Interactive land use transition agent-based model (ILUTABM): Endogenizing human-environment interactions at watershed scales. Land Use Policy. (Link to paper)

48. Palacio-Lopez, K., B. Beckage, S. Scheiner and J. Molofsky. 2015. The ubiquity of phenotypic plasticity in plants: a synthesis. Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.1603. (Link to paper pdf; Link to online journal paper)

47. Guilbert, J., A. K. Betts, D. M. Rizzo, B. Beckage, and A. Bomblies. 2015. Characterization of increased persistence and intensity of precipitation in the Northeastern United States. Geophysical Research Letters. DOI: 10.1002/2015GL063124. (Link to paper; Supporting information)

46. Betts, A.K., R. Desjardins, D. Worth and B. Beckage. 2014. Climate coupling between temperature, humidity, precipitation and cloud cover over the Canadian Prairies. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 119, doi:10.1002/2014JD022511. (Link to paper)

45. A. Zia, S. Kauffman, C. Koliba, B. Beckage, G. Vattay, and A. Bomblies. 2014. From the habit of control to institutional enablement: Re-envisioning the governance of social-ecological systems from the perspective of complexity sciences. Complexity, Governance & Networks. DOI: 10.7564/14-CGN4 (Link to paper)

44. Guilbert, J., B. Beckage, J. M. Winter, R. M. Horton, T. Perkins, and A. Bomblies. 2014. Impacts of projected climate change over the Lake Champlain Basin in Vermont. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 53: 1861-1875. (Link to paper)

43. Tang, G., B. Beckage, and B. Smith. 2014. Potential future dynamics of carbon fluxes and pools in New England forests and their climatic sensitivities: A model-based study. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 28(3): 286-299. (Link to paper)

42. Tsai, Y., Zia, A., Koliba, C., Guibert, J., Bucini, G., and Beckage, B. 2013. Impacts of Land Managers? Decisions on Landuse Transition within Missisquoi Watershed Vermont: An Application of Agent-based Modeling System. IEEE International Systems Conference, Orlando, Florida. Peer-reviewed conference paper. (Link to paper)

41. Eppinga, M. B., Pucko, C. A., Baudena, M., Beckage, B., & Molofsky, J. 2013. A new method to infer vegetation boundary movement from ‘snapshot’data. Ecography 36: 622–635. ( Link to paper)

40. Beckage, B., S. Kauffman, A. Zia, C. Koliba and L. Gross. 2013. More complex complexity: Exploring the nature of computational irreducibility across physical, biological, and human social systems. in Irreducibility and Computational Equivalence: 10 Years After the Publication of Wolfram's A New Kind of Science. Springer Verlag. Peer reviewed book chapter. (Link to paper)

39. Gross, L. and B. Beckage. 2012. Toward a metabolic scaling theory of crop systems. Commentary. PNAS 109 (39): 15535–15536. (Link to paper)

38. Beckage, B., L. Gross, W. Platt, W. Godsoe, and D. Simberloff. 2012. Individual variation and weak neutrality as determinants of species diversity. Frontiers of Biogeography 3(4): 145-155. (Link to paper)

37. Tang, G., B. Beckage, and B. Smith. 2012. The potential transient dynamics of forests in New England under historical and projected future climate change . Climatic Change DOI 10.1007/s10584-012-0404-x. (Link to paper)

36. Beckage, B., L. Gross, and S. Kauffman. 2011. The limits to prediction in ecological systems. Ecosphere 2(11):125. doi:10.1890/ES11-00211.1.(Link to paper)

35. Pucko, C., B. Beckage, T. Perkins, and W. Keeton. 2011. Species shifts in response to climate change: Individual or shared responses? Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 138(2): 156-176.( Link to paper)

34. Beckage, B., L. Gross, and W. Platt. 2011.  Grass feedbacks on fire stabilize savannas. Ecological Modelling 222: 2227-2233. (Link to paper)

33. Tang, G., B. Beckage, B. Smith, and P. Miller. 2010. Estimating potential forest NPP, biomass and their climatic sensitivity in New England using a dynamic ecosystem model. Ecosphere 1(6): 1-20 (Article 18). (Link to paper)

32. Slocum, M.G., W.J. Platt, B. Beckage, S.L. Orzell, and W. Taylor. 2010. Accurate quantification of seasonal rainfall and associated climate-wildfire relationships. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 49: 2559-2573. (Link to paper)

31. Slocum, M.G., B. Beckage, W.J. Platt, S.L. Orzell, and W. Taylor. 2010. Effect of climate on wildfire size: A cross-scale analysis. Ecosystems 13: 828-840. (Link to paper)

30. Beckage, B, W. Godsoe, L. Gross, W. Platt, and D. Simberloff. 2010. Individual variation slows competitive exclusion. Science (E-Letter), (Link to paper)

29. Tang, G. and B. Beckage. 2010. Projecting the distribution of forests in New England in response to climate change. Diversity and Distributions 16: 144-158. (Link to paper)

28. Stevens, J., and B. Beckage. 2010. Fire effects on demography of the invasive shrub Brazilian pepper (Schinus terebinthifolius) in Florida pine savannas.  Natural Areas Journal 30: 53-63. (Link to paper)

27. Beckage, B., B. Platt, and L. Gross. 2009. Vegetation, fire and feedbacks:  A disturbance-mediated model of savannas.  The American Naturalist 174(6): 805-818. DOI: 10.1086/648458 (Link to paper)

26. Stevens, J., and B. Beckage. 2009. Fire feedbacks facilitate invasion of pine savannas by Brazilian pepper (Schinus terebinthifolius).  New Phytologist 184: 365-375. (Link to paper)

25. Beckage B., and C. Ellingwood. 2008. Fire feedbacks with vegetation and alternative stable states. Complex Systems 18: 159-173. (Link to paper)

24. Gavin, D.G., B. Beckage, and B. Osborne. 2008. Forest dynamics and the growth decline of red spruce and sugar maple on Bolton Mountain, Vermont: a comparison of modeling methods. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 38(10): 2635-2649. (Link to paper)

23. Beckage, B., B. D. Kloeppel, J. A. Yeakley, S. F. Taylor, and D. C. Coleman. 2008. Differential Effects of Understory and Overstory Gaps on Tree Regeneration. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 135(1): 1-11(Link to paper).

22. Beckage B., B. Osborne, C. Pucko, D.G. Gavin, T. Siccama, and T. Perkins. 2008. An upward shift of a forest ecotone during 40 years of warming in the Green Mountains of Vermont, USA. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105(11): 4197-4202. (Link to paper).

21. Beckage, B., L. Joseph, P. Belisle, D. Wolfson, and B. Platt. 2007. Bayesian Change-Point Analyses in Ecology. New Phytologist 174: 456-467. (Link to paper)

20. Slocum, M. G., W.J. Platt, B. Beckage, R. Panko, and J. B. Lushine. 2007. Decoupling natural and anthropogenic fire regimes: a case study in Everglades National Park. Natural Areas Journal 27: 41-55.(Link to paper)

19. Beckage, B., and L. J. Gross. 2006 . Overyielding and species diversity: What should we expect? New Phytologist: 172: 140-148. (Link to paper) (Accompanying Commentary)

18. Platt, W. J., J. M. Huffman, M. G. Slocum and B. Beckage. 2006. Fire regimes and trees in Florida dry prairie landscapes. Land of Fire and Water: The Florida Dry Prairie Ecosystem. Proceedings of the Florida Dry Prairie Conference.Reed F. Noss, editor.(Link to paper)

17. Beckage, B., L. J. Gross, and W. J. Platt. 2006. Modelling responses of pine savannas to climate change and large-scale disturbance.  Applied Vegetation Science 9: 75-82.(Link to paper)

16. Beckage, B., M. Lavine, and J. S. Clark.  2005. Survival of tree seedlings across space and time: estimates from long-term count data.   Journal of Ecology 93: 1177-1184. (Link to paper) (code)

15. Beckage, B., W.J. Platt, and B. Panko.  2005. A climate-based approach to the restoration of fire dependent ecosystems. Restoration Ecology 13: 429-431. (Link to paper)

14. Beckage, B., and J. S. Clark.  2005.  Does predation contribute to tree diversity? Oecologia 143: 458-469. (Link to paper)

13. Beckage, B., J. Comiskey, and S. Duke-Sylvester.  2005.  Natural fire regimes in southern Florida.  Natural Areas Journal 25: 6-8. (Link to paper)

12. Rock, J., B. Beckage and  L. J. Gross. 2004.  Population recovery following differential harvesting of Allium tricoccum Ait. in the southern Appalachians. Biological Conservation 116(2): 227-234. (Link to paper)

11. Beckage, B., W. J. Platt, M. G. Slocum, and B. Panko. 2003.Influence of the El Nino-Southern Oscillation on fire regimes in the Florida Everglades.Ecology 84(12): 3124-3130. (Link to paper)

10. Beckage, B., and W. J. Platt. 2003. Predicting severe wildfire years in the Florida Everglades. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 1(3):  235-239. (Link to paper)

9. Beckage, B. and J. S. Clark. 2003.  Seedling survival and growth of three southern Appalachian forest tree species: the role of spatial heterogeneity. Ecology 8 4(7):  1849-1861. (Link to paper)

8. HilleRisLambers, J., J. S. Clark, and B. Beckage. 2002.Density dependent mortality and the latitudinal gradient in species diversity. Nature 417: 732-735. (Link to paper)

7. Platt, W. J., B. Beckage, B. Doren, and H. Slater. 2002.Interactions of large-scale disturbances: prior fire regimes and hurricane-induced mortality of savanna pines. Ecology 83(6):1566-1572. (Link to paper)

6. Lavine, M., B. Beckage, and J. S. Clark. 2002. Statistical modeling of seedling mortality. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 7(1): 21-41. (Link to paper)

5. Clark, J. S., B. Beckage, J. HilleRisLambers, I. Ibanez, S. LaDeau, J. MacLachlan, J. Mohan, and M. Rocca.  2001.  The role of dispersal in plant migration.In Encyclopedia of Global Environmental Change, Vol. 3. H. A. Mooney and J. Canadell, editors.

4. Beckage, Brian, J. S. Clark, B. Clinton, and B. Haines. 2000. A long-term study of tree seedling recruitment in Southern Appalachian forests: the effects of canopy gaps and shrub understories. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 30:1617-1631. (Link to paper)

3. Beckage,B. and I. J. Stout. 2000. The Effects of Repeated Burning on Species Richness in Florida Sandhills: A Test of the Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis.  Journal of Vegetation Science 11: 113-122. (Link to paper)

2. Clark, J. S., B. Beckage, P. Camill, B. Cleveland, J. HilleRisLambers, J. Lichter, J. MacLachlan, J. Mohan, and P. Wyckoff. 1999. Interpreting recruitment limitation in forests. American Journal of Botany 86: 1-16. (Link to paper)

1. Beckage, B. and W. S. Gain. 1995. Littoral vegetation in Water budgets, water quality, and analysis of nutrient loading of the Winter Park chain of lakes, Central Florida 1989-1992. G. G. Phelps and E. R. German. USGS Water Resources Investigations report 95-4108. Tallahassee, FL. 96pp. (Link to paper)