Due by end of day on 27 Jan 2021 Email your .R file to with name as ‘pbio394_yourLastName_ex1.R’ and email header ‘pbio394 yourLastName Ex1’.

Below are a series of short exercises to become familiar with the basics of R.

  1. Create a vector that is a sequence of from 1 to 100 and that is of length 200.
##   [1]   1.000000   1.497487   1.994975   2.492462   2.989950   3.487437
##   [7]   3.984925   4.482412   4.979899   5.477387   5.974874   6.472362
##  [13]   6.969849   7.467337   7.964824   8.462312   8.959799   9.457286
##  [19]   9.954774  10.452261  10.949749  11.447236  11.944724  12.442211
##  [25]  12.939698  13.437186  13.934673  14.432161  14.929648  15.427136
##  [31]  15.924623  16.422111  16.919598  17.417085  17.914573  18.412060
##  [37]  18.909548  19.407035  19.904523  20.402010  20.899497  21.396985
##  [43]  21.894472  22.391960  22.889447  23.386935  23.884422  24.381910
##  [49]  24.879397  25.376884  25.874372  26.371859  26.869347  27.366834
##  [55]  27.864322  28.361809  28.859296  29.356784  29.854271  30.351759
##  [61]  30.849246  31.346734  31.844221  32.341709  32.839196  33.336683
##  [67]  33.834171  34.331658  34.829146  35.326633  35.824121  36.321608
##  [73]  36.819095  37.316583  37.814070  38.311558  38.809045  39.306533
##  [79]  39.804020  40.301508  40.798995  41.296482  41.793970  42.291457
##  [85]  42.788945  43.286432  43.783920  44.281407  44.778894  45.276382
##  [91]  45.773869  46.271357  46.768844  47.266332  47.763819  48.261307
##  [97]  48.758794  49.256281  49.753769  50.251256  50.748744  51.246231
## [103]  51.743719  52.241206  52.738693  53.236181  53.733668  54.231156
## [109]  54.728643  55.226131  55.723618  56.221106  56.718593  57.216080
## [115]  57.713568  58.211055  58.708543  59.206030  59.703518  60.201005
## [121]  60.698492  61.195980  61.693467  62.190955  62.688442  63.185930
## [127]  63.683417  64.180905  64.678392  65.175879  65.673367  66.170854
## [133]  66.668342  67.165829  67.663317  68.160804  68.658291  69.155779
## [139]  69.653266  70.150754  70.648241  71.145729  71.643216  72.140704
## [145]  72.638191  73.135678  73.633166  74.130653  74.628141  75.125628
## [151]  75.623116  76.120603  76.618090  77.115578  77.613065  78.110553
## [157]  78.608040  79.105528  79.603015  80.100503  80.597990  81.095477
## [163]  81.592965  82.090452  82.587940  83.085427  83.582915  84.080402
## [169]  84.577889  85.075377  85.572864  86.070352  86.567839  87.065327
## [175]  87.562814  88.060302  88.557789  89.055276  89.552764  90.050251
## [181]  90.547739  91.045226  91.542714  92.040201  92.537688  93.035176
## [187]  93.532663  94.030151  94.527638  95.025126  95.522613  96.020101
## [193]  96.517588  97.015075  97.512563  98.010050  98.507538  99.005025
## [199]  99.502513 100.000000
  1. Multiply each element in this list by 2 and find the sum of the resulting vector.
## [1] 20200
  1. Square each element of this vector and find the summation of this transformed vector.
## [1] 675041.7
  1. Select all elements of the transformed vector (from above) that are less than 50.
##  [1]  1.000000  2.242469  3.979925  6.212368  8.939800 12.162218 15.879624
##  [8] 20.092018 24.799399 30.001768 35.699124 41.891467 48.578799

ADVANCED: Here is another way of doing this using the pipe operator that avoids intermediate expressions. If this doesn’t make sense, please ignore–its a bit advanced.

seq(from=1,to=100,len=200) %>% .^2 %>% .[.<50]
##  [1]  1.000000  2.242469  3.979925  6.212368  8.939800 12.162218 15.879624
##  [8] 20.092018 24.799399 30.001768 35.699124 41.891467 48.578799
  1. Create a 3 (rows) by 4 (cols) matrix of values 1:12
##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
## [1,]    1    4    7   10
## [2,]    2    5    8   11
## [3,]    3    6    9   12
  1. Multiple the component at the location [2,3] and the component at [3,2].
## [1] 48
  1. Name the rows (a,b,c) and the columns (1,2,3,4).
##   1 2 3  4
## a 1 4 7 10
## b 2 5 8 11
## c 3 6 9 12

Alternative way

##   1 2 3  4
## a 1 4 7 10
## b 2 5 8 11
## c 3 6 9 12
  1. Create a 3 dimensional array that replicates the matrix created above three times in the 3rd dimension. Name the dimensions of the array.
## , , 1d
##   1 2 3  4
## a 1 4 7 10
## b 2 5 8 11
## c 3 6 9 12
## , , 2d
##   1 2 3  4
## a 1 4 7 10
## b 2 5 8 11
## c 3 6 9 12
## , , 3d
##   1 2 3  4
## a 1 4 7 10
## b 2 5 8 11
## c 3 6 9 12
  1. Multiply the 2nd row of the 2 dimension by the [3,3] element of the 3rd dimension.
##  1  2  3  4 
## 18 45 72 99
  1. Create a vector of 1,2 replicated to length 10.
##  [1] 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
  1. Create a vector of integers 1 to 10 and then create vectors that are the square and cube of that vector.
##  [1]   1   4   9  16  25  36  49  64  81 100
##  [1]    1    8   27   64  125  216  343  512  729 1000
  1. Create a data frame that combines these three vectors into the columns of a dataframe.

ADVANCED: Here is another way of doing this using the pipe operator that avoids intermediate expressions. If this doesn’t make sense, please ignore–its a bit advanced.

myVect %>% data.frame(.,.^2, .^3) -> myDataFrame
  1. Name the columns of the data frame as: ‘Original’, ‘Squared’, and ‘Cubed’.
colnames(myDataFrame)<-c('Original', 'Squared', 'Cubed')
  1. Plot the original vs cubed columns.

Advanced. Alternative method using Tidyverse dialect of R.

## Attaching package: 'dplyr'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     filter, lag
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
myDataFrame %>%
  select(Original, Cubed) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = Cubed, y = Original)) +

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