
Back to Syllabus

This course consists of 8 units or modules. You should complete 2 modules a week. Each module will be structured similarly. There will be an introductory video outlining the activities in that module. There will be an assigned reading to complete, some media (documentary, podcast) to watch, questions for an online discussion in Yellowdig (also accessible through Brightspace), and a quiz for each module and a comprehensive final exam after completing all modules, all of which will be accessed through Brightspace (Brightspace for undergraduates or Brightspace for graduate students). The tasks should be completed from left to right for each module. Once a module is completed, then you can move on to the next module.

Schedule Activity
Week Module Topic Reading Media Analysis & Discussion Assessment
1 1 Introduction to Module 1 (Video ~6 mins) Emanuel Chapters 1-4 (35p); Lovejoy & Hannah Chapter 1 (10 p) Inconvenient Truth (Watch first 60 mins) Discussion Questions
Open Sun-Sun
Module 1 quiz in Brightspace
Open Wed-Sun
1 2 Introduction to Module 2 (Video ~3 mins) Emanuel Chapters 5-8 (30p); Lovejoy & Hannah Chapter 2 (12p) Inconvenient Truth (Watch remainder ~58 mins) Discussion Questions
Open Mon-Sun
Module 2 quiz in Brightspace
Open Wed-Sun
2 3 Module 3: What changes are we observing? (Video 10 mins) Lovejoy & Hannah Chapters 3 (12p), 4 (13p), & 5 (12p) A Crude Awakening: The Oil Crash (Watch first 40 mins) Discussion Questions
Open Mon-Sun
Module 3 quiz in Brightspace
Open Wed-Sun
2 4 Module 4: What does the past tell us? (Video 8 mins) Lovejoy & Hannah Chapters 7 (11p), 8 (16p) & 9 (11p) A Crude Awakening: The Oil Crash (Watch remainder ~43 mins) Discussion Questions
Open Mon-Sun
Module 4 quiz in Brightspace
Open Wed-Sun
3 5 What does the past tell us?
What does the future hold?
Chapter 10: Past Abrupt Changes (8 mins)
Chapter 11: Neotropics (2 mins)
Chapter 12: Species and ecosystem models (4 mins)
Lovejoy & Hannah Chapters 10 (14p), 11 (12p), 12 (11p) Seaspiracy (Watch first 45 mins) Discussion Questions
Open Mon-Sun
Module 5 quiz in Brightspace
Open Wed-Sun
3 6 Chapter 13: Marine biodiversity (5 mins)
Chapter 15: Tropical forests (4 mins)
Chapter 16: Temperate and boreal forests (7 mins)
Lovejoy & Hannah Chapters 13 (15p), 15 (12p) & 16 (10p) Seaspiracy (Watch remainder ~45 mins) Discussion Questions
Open Mon-Sun
Module 6 quiz in Brightspace
Open Wed-Sun
4 7 Chapter 17: Mountains (3 mins)
Chapter 20: Invasive species (7 mins)
Chapter 21: Disease (12 mins)
Lovejoy & Hannah Chapters 17 (12p) & 20 (11p), & 21 (12p) Planet of the Humans (Watch first 50 mins) Discussion Questions
Open Mon-Sun
Module 7 quiz in Brightspace
Open Mon-Sun
4 8 Chapter 24: Ecosystem-based mitigation (11 mins)
Chapter 25: Regreening the planet (10 mins)
Chapter 28: Saving biodiversity (8 mins)
Lovejoy & Hannah Chapters 24 (13p), 25 (7p) & 28 (11p) Planet of the Humans (Watch remainder ~50 mins) Discussion Questions
Open Wed-Sun
Module 8 quiz in Brightspace
Open Wed-Sun
Final Exam Access Final Exam in BrightSpace: Available Thursday to Sunday, 13-16 June